Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tanya's Dilemma, Part 2

At 24, Tanya has six children, no husband, no high school diploma, no GED, and no job.Situations like hers are common in a society that withholds moral judgment on unwed childbirths and then subsidizes them.

Single parenthood can occur because of a spouse’s death, justifiable divorce or other reasons. These people deserve love, respect and help. This article isn’t about them: it’s about those who heedlessly burden themselves and the rest of us with self-centered bad decisions. Think “Octomom.”

According to columnist Mona Charen, there are enormous ramifications to the decisions made by an army of Tanyas. These single parents are often in a bind because they “find it much more difficult to be autonomous self-supporting individuals.” This used to be a minor problem, but now over 40% of American births are to unwed mothers.

The government assists single parents at a huge cost, but the money isn’t the big issue. Any single parent can tell you how stretched they are and how they wish they could devote more time to the kids. The result is less parental love and direction while latch-key kids are “educated” by their peers. There’s also the loss of interaction with the father, denying children the chance to observe and understand the differences between the sexes.

And that’s not all. Writer Kay Hymowitz says “marriage patterns are creating a caste system in a country that had traditionally enjoyed relative equality.” The well-educated have stable marriage rates and they’re “rearing their children in orderly, supportive environments in which kids are taught to study hard, delay gratification and plan for the future. But 54% of the children of high school dropouts are illegitimate. Their parents’ lives are marked by financial distress, conflict and turmoil.”

“The outlines of a permanent caste system become visible, with the educated raising children who have the tools to become successful themselves and the poor and lower middle class continuing to give birth under circumstances that virtually condemn their children to poverty. Unless we find a way to discourage unwed childbearing and revive marriage, the chasm between the classes will continue to grow.”

As marriage becomes increasingly anachronistic the price gets higher. Kids no longer see a commitment between parents that transcends individual wants and instead learn that “looking out for number one” is the ultimate good. This isn’t healthy for either the individual or the community and it certainly isn’t Christian.

We’re in this fix because we’ve ignored God’s will, suspended common sense and encouraged reckless single parenthood. We – and Tanya – should learn that flouting biblical teaching leads to destructive consequences.

We can only right this if we discourage irresponsible behavior and stop promoting it. Manmade laws have put us on this path, it’ll take a higher authority to offer a way back, and a resurgence of Christianity may be the only way to re-weave our shredded moral fabric. The effect our faith can have in the here and now, not to mention eternity, is a powerful reason to evangelize.

Photo Credit:  Michael S. Gordon, The Republican
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