Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Miner Miracle

The Chilean Miners awaiting rescue

The 33 miners were hoisted up after being trapped 2,000 feet underground for 69 days.  They survived on a teaspoon of tuna per day and drank oil-tainted water for 17 days with no sign of rescue.  Then a small drill poked through the ceiling.  After 30 failures, the drill reached them because topographer Macarena Valdes acted on a hunch and adjusted the drill angle one degree, a significant difference in a hole that deep.  Ms. Valdes calls it "75% science, 25% miracle."

It was "like being in a filthy sauna where the air is full of dirt" that caused burning eyes, coughing and "athlete's foot from hell" according to one miner.  The only light came from their helmets and truck headlights.  It was a spooky and scary environment, especially with new cave-ins continuing.

The miners, all wearing donated Oakley sunglasses, were met by a medical team with gurneys ready to whisk them into a makeshift hospital staffed by doctors and psychologists.  But once released from the rescue capsule they were alert, happy and active.  The second guy out, Mario Sepulveda, was ebullient as he strode among the crowd, hugged everybody in sight, led a cheer and passed out souvenir rocks. They practically needed tranquilizer darts to settle him down.  In an understatement, Chilean Health Minister Jaime Manalich said, "I have to humbly admit that the miners health is more than satisfactory."

How could this be?  Dr. Sheryl Bishop, a social psychologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, is an expert in survival in extreme conditions.  She theorized that clearing away debris to allow the rescue shaft to be drilled was key to their psychological well-being.  She said, "It gave them something concrete to do, and that gave them the psychological stamina to endure the wait."  It's also thought the emergence of leaders helped create cohesiveness that gave the miners hope.

Or maybe Christian faith had something to do with it.

Early on the miners requested 33 bibles.  Typical comments included, "There were moments when we thought we would not get out.  But there was always faith in God, that with His help we could be rescued," "We prayed and prayed.  It was a dark, black hole.  We were buried alive. We were all so scared.  We begged God to help us," "The devil was down there and so was God.  I didn't see either but I felt both.  They were in a battle for our souls.  And God won," and "We 33 miners are walking hand in hand with God."

Secular experts can theorize that hope came from leadership and shoveling rocks, but this makes little sense.  Try this:  the next time you're in a fix find a leader, move a pile of debris and see where it gets you.  Or keep in touch with God like the miners.  They don't have fancy degrees but they've got common sense and can tell you exactly where their hope and strength came from.

To see "Super Mario" Sepulveda's rescue please click on

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  1. Excellent commentary Chet, especially your closing remarks.

  2. Hi Chet,
    One of your best yet! But I'm not at all surprised that God's part in this miracle wasn't given press coverage. I never read anything that compared to your coverage of the rescue.
