Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tony Blair was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 through 2007. He formed solid relationships with Presidents Clinton and Bush, assisted in the Northern Ireland Peace Process and became the longest-serving PM in the Labour Party's history.

Not bad for a guy whose teachers regarded as "a complete pain in the backside," according to biographer John Rentoul. Other credits include being arrested by police who mistook him for a burglar as he sneaked up a ladder to his dorm after being out late and singing for a rock group named the Ugly Rumours.

Blair's interest in Christianity was piqued at the University of Oxford, but he kept it under wraps during his political career for fear of being labelled a "nutter."

nut'ter n. (Brit): a crazy or eccentric person

Religion was so politically toxic that his communications director once prevented him from responding to an inquiry about his faith by explaining "We don't do God."

After resigning as Prime Minister, Blair no longer conceals his faith although he calls it "a private matter." As reported by Michael Gerson of The Washington Post, Blair gave a speech at Westminster Cathedral in which he said that for millions faith is "the motive for their behavior, the thing that gives sense to their lives and purpose to their journeys - which makes life more than just a sparrow's flight through a lighted hall from one darkness to another."

Christian faith gives meaning to life and provides a moral compass based on love for our fellow man. If that makes followers of Christ "crazy or eccentric" in the eyes of those who are clueless about Jesus, then so be it.

Those who think they can operate the world without the rock of God-given standards are in for a rough ride. Ask the millions of people who suffered and died under Stalin and Mao what happens when an atheistic state answering to no higher power is in control. Atrocities and abrogation of human rights are commonplace in godless totalitarian states, but today's mindset seems to be that leaders with Christian faith are more suspect than those without it.

Look at history. It's obvious who the "nutters" are.

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